The first young adult retreat at Holy Transfiguration Monastery in Milton, Ontario

The Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Canada, with the blessing and initiative of His Grace Bishop Mitrofan, in collaboration with church youth groups Tri Prsta, Tri Prsta KW, Nas Krst, and Selo, hosted its first young adult retreat at Holy Transfiguration Monastery in Milton, Ontario.
The gathering opened with Frs. Jovan Marjanac, and Milorad Delic serving the invocation of the Holy Spirit, with kneeling prayers, and blessing all gathered. The theme of this inaugural retreat was the Holy Sacrament of Confession which was looked at through a presentation scanning over its historical evolution, the ritual components, preparation advice, and most importantly how it can be a very useful spiritual tool in the navigation of life's questions and temptations.
The Q and A, "Contemplation period", heard a wide array of sincere questions which inspired conversation on contemporary themes, as well as more involved topics like destiny, free will, and God's providence. Some of the participants had their confessions heard, and others were hopefully inspired to do so in their local parishes.
A special note of gratitude is owed to the Kolo Srpskih Sestara from Holy Trinity Church in Kitchener, and St. Nicholas Church in Hamilton (Nash) who prepared a wonderful meal.
What we are most proud of is our Southern Ontario parishes, and our Diocesan Administrative Board, which contributed with material support so that there were no expenses for all the youth.
The day ended with bowling and games at a nearby arcade.
April 26 - 28, 2024, will be the next similar activity where a youth pilgrimage, again sponsored by our parishes, will take 48 young Serbian Orthodox adults from Southern Ontario to Holy Trinity Russian Orthodox Monastery in Jordanville, NY.